A downloadable game

Game in active development, follow me to get all the updates! Juego en desarrollo activo, ¡sígueme para obtener todas las noticias!

2023-08-16: Ch1.016 released! Check devlog for more info!

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  • In your role as a respected private tutor, you have built an admirable reputation thanks to your outstanding results. However, you have come across a peculiar challenge. Your new student is dazzling and super charismatic, but her academic skills leave much to be desired. And to top it off, since your first encounter, you've been infatuated with her. Will you be able to motivate this absent-minded girl and help her pass the course? And who knows? Perhaps if things flow smoothly, something more than a simple student-teacher relationship may arise. Are you ready for whatever may happen?
  • En tu papel de respetado tutor privado, te has labrado una reputación encomiable gracias a tus destacados resultados. Sin embargo, te has topado ante un desafío peculiar. Tu nueva alumna es deslumbrante y súper carismática, pero sus habilidades para los estudios dejan mucho que desear. Y, para rematarlo, desde vuestro primer encuentro, quedaste embobado con ella. ¿Lograrás que esta chica despistada se ponga las pilas y pase el curso? ¿Y quién sabe? Quizá si las cosas fluyen, surja algo más que una simple relación alumna-profesor. ¿Estás listo para lo que pueda suceder?
StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsAdult, Dating Sim



Development log


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i get sent back to the home screen after the first sex scene

(1 edit)

That's the end of chapter one. UPDATED: There's a clear message sayingg so now.

Not only you can't choose screen size. You can't leave the settings page even though there's a return button.

(1 edit)

You must be confusing the 'Load Back Default Setting' button with the 'Exit' button, which is a door in the lower right corner.

About screen size, as for July 2nd I have added the option for windowed mode.

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Alguna forma de cambiar de "Pantalla Completa" a "Ventana" ?

Como esta en pantalla completa no me deja darle en jugar lol

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NUEVA VERSIÓN: se ha añadido una opción básica para jugar en modo ventana 1080p. En el futuro se añadirán más opciones.